Day: February 8, 2023

What Causes Body Odor During Pregnancy?What Causes Body Odor During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time of major changes in the body, which can sometimes have unseen effects. One such effect is a change in your sense of smell.

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This is because your body odor in pregnancy receptors increase during pregnancy. This is due to a hormone called estradiol.

It’s also because your basal metabolic rate (BMR) increases during pregnancy. This causes more blood to be transported to your armpits and other areas.

Another reason that you may notice a stronger body odor during pregnancy is the increased sweating. Sweat is not the result of a weight gain, but is caused by a combination of your body’s temperature and bacteria on the skin.

Generally, the first trimester of pregnancy is when most women begin to notice a change in their body odor. If you are concerned about the odor, see your doctor.

Some things that can affect your body odor during pregnancy include:

Diet and medication.

Foods like garlic, onions and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage) can give off a strong smell. This is because they contain sulfur compounds, which can be absorbed into the bloodstream and then emitted as sweat.

Other foods can also make you smell differently, including red meats and seafood.

These foods have proteins that exacerbate the odour-causing bacteria on your skin, especially if you’re sweating a lot.

While it isn’t a cause for alarm, body odor can be irritating to pregnant women. If you are concerned about your odour, consult with an OB/GYN.