Facade tarot is a form of Tarot wherein you ask the cards about you and your life. It has a lot of varieties, but the most popular is the Celtic cross tarot spread. The goal of the spread is to reveal different aspects of your life. The cards in a pack contain 78 allegories.
Facade Tarot Card Journal: 3 Card : Tallman, Grant
Free tarot readings are available online, especially when they’re automated. You can get a free daily tarot reading, or a free psychic reading. If you’d like to get a free reading, try Morganas’s. This website offers a free online tarot reading.
If you’re new to the Tarot, you can learn more by taking classes or reading a book. Many online classes teach you how to read the cards. Tarot books have a wide variety of topics for readers to read. These books also include a guide to the cards. Many books also feature online tutorials.
Hermann Haindl’s deck is full of colorful depictions of faeries and woodland creatures, and goddesses from many pantheons. This is a deck geared toward those with some experience or a beginner. The deck is also packed with 22 meditations, a stunningly produced CD, and a detailed explanation of each card in context.