Sleep Apnea is a condition that disturbs your sleep and lowers your oxygen levels. The interruptions in breathing, or apneas, last for several seconds and occur repeatedly throughout the night. They prevent your body from getting enough quality rest and can also lead to serious health problems over time.
This is a chronic (long-term) condition, but treatment can reduce or eliminate your symptoms and improve your health. The first step is usually lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, stopping smoking and avoiding alcohol, and treating any sinus or nasal allergies you might have. Some people have better results with a CPAP machine, which is a device that blows air into the nose or mouth while you sleep.
Managing Sleep Apnea: How Silverdale Dental Can Help
Other possible treatments include oral appliances that you wear while sleeping, such as a mouthguard or mandibular advancement splint (MAS) that pull your lower jaw forward to make more room in the throat. You can get these devices from a dentist or your healthcare provider. Some people find relief from a repositioning of the tongue, and other people have success with surgical procedures that involve moving or trimming parts of the throat.
Untreated sleep apnea can lead to poor or irregular sleep patterns, daytime sleepiness, and trouble concentrating and remembering things. It also raises your risk for serious health conditions, including heart disease and high blood pressure. It can also cause you to fall asleep while driving or using power tools or machinery, which could be dangerous for yourself and others.