Amid a backdrop of rising global interim pologne , Poland is struggling to manage economic volatility and address supply chain challenges while providing effective crisis management solutions. Despite this, most markets maintained or increased their interim managers’ day rates in 2022, according to the latest INIMA report, which also found that women continue to represent a growing segment of the market (with Poland, France, and the UK at the top).
Budgeting for Interim Services: Cost Considerations in Poland
While Polish people generally enjoy freedom of movement to change their place of residence, employment, and institution of higher education, the government has used its power to restrict the work of NGOs at the border with Belarus. This has been criticized by international human rights organizations, including the UN, as having contributed to unlawful pushbacks and mistreatment of migrants at the border.
The government has also stepped in to exert influence on local media by funding the state-owned Polska Press, which publishes 20 regional daily newspapers and 500 online portals. The owner, oil giant PKN Orlen, has pledged to safeguard editorial independence, but editors-in-chief have quit or been fired in recent years. Poland also has harsh insult laws, which critics say have been used to target the religious, homosexual, and other minorities.
The national economy is largely dependent on foreign trade, with the country’s manufacturing sector heavily exposed to political and diplomatic developments. The labor force has a robust union movement, though the self-employed and some workers in essential services cannot join, and complex legal procedures hinder strikes. In 2022, the government has enacted legislation that will raise the minimum wage and reduce the number of working hours.